Database changes may occur as a result of a Brother Cell Phone List project which delivers new functionality, or in response to changes in the existing data. The focus of the database administrator is overall health of the database and the data it Brother Cell Phone List contains, including database availability, performance, and access. The data architect is a role that tends to come with the implementation of the initial database instance and Brother Cell Phone List large expansion projects. It is the database architects job to ensure that the database design and data dictionary are optimized to support the data storage retrieval and performance goals of the project.
The key difference between the two skill sets is the Brother Cell Phone List emphasis on operational activities and the health of the database on the one hand and the emphasis on the performance of the database on the other. The database administrator will inherit the work of the data architect if one is employed to design a database, or a database Brother Cell Phone List extension, as part of a project. They will be responsible for support of the database they designed if one is not. Other than this difference the skill sets are very similar, indeed most database courses make no distinction between the two roles. This article will treat the two roles interchangeably; the Brother Cell Phone List best practices described here are applicable to both roles.
The only time a different approach is required is when Brother Cell Phone List you have both roles on the project in which case you will be required to distinguish between the two roles and assign each role the work they are best suited for. Large database supported Brother Cell Phone List projects require the data architect skill set and the project manager should ensure that the person assigned to this role on the project possesses the architect skill set and Brother Cell Phone List experience. This is a role which is critical to the success of your project so if there is someone you in your organization who meets your requirements secure them for your project by identifying them as a critical resource in your project charter.