The players who have left won't lose their $10,000 VC and those left face off against simple AI opponents. It's a lot of 2K22 MT work, but with 10,000 VC being a minimum to every game thrown, there's an opportunity to get rich with a little risk.
NBA 2K22 has a plethora of BADGES players can use to boost their MyPlayer builds, but most of them don't give you a useful boost. We've covered a few of the most effective badges and MyPlayer builds that you can utilize to gain an advantage over the other players, so now let's look at some bad choices. Here are the top 10 badges available in NBA 2K22 spread across shooting defense, finishing, and playmaking.
This is true for every topic related to MyPlayer Builds, just because we think these badges will be the top 10 badges, this doesn't mean they cannot serve specific build classes. There are countless ways to create an efficient MyPlayer with NBA 2K22, however these are 10 badges that , according to us, won't solve the problem for the majority of players.
The 14 top MyTEAM Basketball Player Cards from NBA 2K22 are all highly desirable, we have our own opinion on which ones are most enjoyable and enjoyable to have. Also, there's the current meta to take into consideration, as any card that is unable to beat the best blockers won't have a chance of winning.
For us, the top card among all Pink Diamonds is Wilt Chamberlain. Pick and Roll and Blocking is the current name of the game in NBA 2K22 and Wilt Chamberlain does well on NBA 2K22 MT PS4 both sides. Wilt can block shots as flies and can give or receive the opportunity to pick and roll.