With the many characters, quests, and Lost Ark Gold activities you can engage in within the game it's easy for players to gloss over the small things. It's highly likely that many players have tried to download the Requiem of Twilight but failed to get it done. If you're among the latter, don't fret! You can still do a small amount of backtracking to get it.
Rapport is one of the features that is often overlooked in Lost Ark! The earlier you begin to work on it, the more quickly you unlock the best rewards.
If you don't want to take your time with the process and would like to earn the rewards, here's the most effective method of earning rapport points.What do you think of The Requiem of Twilight in Lost Ark
The Requiem of Twilight is a track that best place to buy Lost Ark Gold specifically builds your connection with the majority of NPCs. It is possible to use it for up to three times a throughout the day for every character you wish to establish relations with.