Sell after 25 years instead of waiting till 30 Ws Numbers List years when the business had no value. Unfortunately, no one knows what will Ws Numbers List happen tomorrow, and having a plan for selling will allow you to make a quick decision to Ws Numbers List sell before a company is out of business. A Plan for Selling Your Business In order to maximize the sales price of your business.
Things you can do to prepare. Decide Ws Numbers List what "triggers" you to sell? Every business has a life cycle. Ideally, to sell your business Ws Numbers List for the highest price, you will want to sell when the business is at the peak of its life cycle. This Ws Numbers List is often when business owners say, "I am making.
More money that I have ever made." It is also Ws Numbers List the time when most owners are loving their businesses the most. This is the time Ws Numbers List to sell that will maximize the selling price. If building your business to sell for the maximum Ws Numbers List price is important to you, then you might consider this strategy. Triggers that show you are at the peak of the life cycle include.